Divorce Attorney Everett WA State

Divorce Lawyer Everett

Everett Divorce Attorney Services

If you are in need of a divorce attorney in Everett, or any other area, with or without children, agreed, amicable or not, give Lang Law Everett a call at 425-231-1559. Our attorneys can be aggressive when needed and necessary, or negotiate to a reasonable and fair outcome for our client.

Amicable Agreed

If you and the other party are on agreement on all the issues of your divorce, we can make sure you documents are properly prepared and filed with no court appearance necessary most times. Even if you are in King, Snohomish, or Clark County Washington, we can accomplish this for in a stress free quality fashion.


There can be many areas where you and the other party are not in agreement. We at Lang Law Everett can help you negotiate with the apposing side and work towards an agreed finalization of your case. There are issues of property, whether separate or community, about custody of the children, allocation of assets and liabilities, and so on. Sometimes there are restrictions on parenting time, spousal support issues of how much and how long, college for the children, and so many other issues that must be diligently navigated to a peaceful solution. If the other side stalls on discovery when discovery is needed, we will fight for our client until we have all the documents regarding property, retirements, and other assets our found. Coming to a peaceful conclusion is the main goal, a fair outcome. Sometimes, it is a fight, and our attorneys fight hard for their clients.

Don't Know

Sometimes you just do not know where to start. There can be many areas where you and the other party are not in agreement. We at Lang Law Everett can help you negotiate with the apposing side and work towards an agreed finalization of your divorce. We can advise you of your rights, the fair allocation of assets, property and parenting plan. We can assess whether or not the other side is entitled to spousal support, and if so, how much and for how long.