Quitclaim Attorney Everett Wills Wetmore Avenue

Quitclaim Lawyer Everett Divorce Wetmore

Attorney Quitclaim Everett near Wetmore

Whether you need a Quitclaim and excise tax affidavit prepared and recorded for a divorce, probate, trust, estate planning or other business venture, call our Everett Quitclaim and Wills attorney at 425-231-1559.

You may be looking to hire an attorney to help you prepare a will. There are many variations of wills, and our wills attorney can help with deciding what is best for you. Make your wishes known now before you are gone and can no longer make those decisions know.

Wetmore Ave and Hewitt Ave Historical Buildings

This building was named The Colby Building even though not on Colby. There are many historical buildings in downtown Everett that you can explore on our site, especially on Wetmore and Hewitt avenues where there are concentrations of them. This particular building is located on the corner of Hewitt and Wetmore. Because of the architecture of the windows and overall building, it may have been built 1902 because this architecture spanned about 20 years from the early 1890s through 1910. This buildings is known as the Fisher the Shoe Man building, with attorney offices or hotel above. Although the building discussed on my Rucker Avenue page is not on Rucker, it is named after those that built it as well as Rucker Avenue. This building was built by the very first attorney in Everett.

JAB Photography Business and Store Front Everett

JAB (Jon A. Bradshaw), is a superior quality photographer that is going to be replacing all the pictures and photos are on our website to match our current scene. For example, this page is currently displaying an historic building on Wetmore. JAB will be replacing this photo with one of his that matches the theme of this page but taken by him. Initially, we will display the current picture along with JAB's. We are hoping to get a picture for every page of this site with one of his. You will immediately be able to tell the difference and see his consistent style that is one of a kind. Like pictures painted by an artist, you will quickly recognize his style.

Whether or not Jon can catch the right time of day for a sunset or sunrise hitting the brick face of the building above is to be scene, but regardless, I am certain it will be a work of art. I am hoping to get a picture of every historic building in downtown Everett taken by the great JAB. I can wait for the artistic touch that is his and his alone that is on every photo he takes.