Everett Wills Attorney View Ridge Area

Attorney Will Everett

Wills Everett Attorney

Whether your in Everett or not, we can help prepare your will. To contact an Everett wills attorney call us at 425-231-1559. Whether it is a will or a probate issue to enforce a will, our attorney can assist with all your needs. There is a direct coloration between wills, probate, and estate planning attorneys.

View Ridge Neighborhood in Everett

This neighborhood does not have any historical buildings that I know of, but the history behind its name is simple. The neighborhood stretches north to south with a much smaller east to west area. It is long and narrow and contains a geographical ridge that runs north to south. At this ridge, the land drops down lower and lower as it heads to the water, giving the ridge area a great view of they bay. Hence, the view ridge. It also on its south end buts up against the Evergreen neighborhood. Like Edgewater, it has views of the bay. Imagine living in View Ridge, where your back door is the Olympic Mountains and the Sound, and your front door with views of the Cascade Mountain Range. Edgewater is a great neighborhood, nice homes, and beautiful views. Which neighborhood is more beautiful? I guess JB once he shoots his pictures and we post them on our site, then we will truly know.

Check back soon for photos taken by Jon Bradshaw, a fantastic local photographer. Bradshaw shoots buildings, inside and out for businesses and their websites, he also shoots pictures of models, and landscapes and scenic city photos. We are looking forward to the project he is taking on for this website that will capture the beauty of the Everett area. Photos taken by JB of the View Ridge neighborhood with its views of the waters of the Puget Sound, with the Sound's backdrop of the magnificent Olympic Mountains. The View Ridge, Evergreen, and Edgewater areas are close in proximity, and incredibly beautiful. View Ridge and Edgewater have the same names as two neighborhoods in Seattle for the same reasons. JB is a true artist.