Quitclaim Attorney Everett Divorce Family Law Wills
I have created this area of my website because I find Everett to be rich in history and the stories that speak of that. I have lived in the area for some time and wished for a way to express my appreciation of Everett and its downtown area. I hope you find this interesting and informational.
Everett Quitclaim Attorney Divorce
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Historical Buildings in Everett, Washington
Below is are the streets where most of Everett's historical buildings are located. Follow the links below to discover interesting information about these antique buildings, some of which are haunted.
North Everett has the Historical Hewitt of Everett with many buildings on this tour that are spread all over the downtown area as well as outside of the direct downtown. The downtown areas, specifically Hewitt Ave and Everett Avenue have many buildings that are said to be haunted. Lombard Ave has its own antique buildings as well as California Ave.
Downtown. Every street in downtown Everett has multiple buildings on them that document the history of Everett in a very unique and individual way. The concentration of old historical buildings are in the downtown. The concentration of them is on Hewitt Ave, although there are still many others in North Everett. Outside of the downtown area, you mostly have old historical mansions.