Quitclaim Attorney Snohomish County Family Law Divorce

Quitclaim Lawyer Snohomish County Family Law

Family Law Attorney Everett Quit Claims Snohomish County

Lang Law Everett family law attorneys will efficiently represent you for divorce, custody, child support related issues, parenting plan, contempt, and quitclaim. Contact us today at 425-231-1559.

History of Snohomish County Cities

For the purpose of the historical and haunted buildings section of this website, the focus is on Everett, Marysville, and Edmonds in Washington State. Everett was developed much earlier than the other surrounding cities and therefore has a much higher concentration of historic buildings. The heart of Snohomish County is Everett. Above is the jewel of Everett, the Port Gardner Bay.

Everett is full of history, haunted buildings, beautiful views of the water, the Olympic and Cascade mountains.


Edmonds has its beautiful waterfront and historic buildings as well.