Downtown Quitclaim Attorney Everett Wills Trusts
There is a lot of history to be learned from the buildings downtown Everett. These buildings shown are turn of the century buildings on Wetmore Avenue, Hewitt Avenue, and other locations in Everett, Washington.
Downtown Everett Wills Attorney Quitclaim
Probate attorney in downtown Everett. Have wills and trusts prepared by a probate attorney in Everett. Contact Lang Law Quitclaim or Probate Attorney at 425-231-1559.
Downtown Everett Cross Streets
Rucker Avenue: this street has the famous Rucker Mansion connected to its name. In fact, this house is said to be haunted.
Hoyt Avenue
Colby Avenue: the most famous haunted building in Washington resides on Colby.
Wetmore Avenue: the side streets Everett Ave and Hewitt Ave where they intersect Wetmore are Haunted Buildings.
Rockefeller Avenue: has scattered smaller historical buildings.
Oakes Avenue
Lombard Avenue
Broadway Avenue
Downtown Everett Side Streets
Pacific Avenue
Wall Street
Hewitt Avenue: has a concentration of historical buildings.
California Street
Everett Avenue: most of the historical buildings on this street are at the cross street corners.