Everett Quitclaim Attorney Rucker Avenue

Everett Custody Lawyer Quitclaim Rucker Ave

Quitclaim Everett Attorney near Rucker Avenue

Contact a Lang Law Everett quit claim attorney today. We can prepare your Quitclaim and excise tax affidavit for real estate, divorce, wills and estate planning related needs. Call  our Everett custody attorney or Quitclaim deed lawyer at 425-231-1559.

Quit Claims for Probate Everett

We can provide services for probate related quit claims in Everett. Our lawyers that handles these is very proficient in both probate and estate planning to handle your specific needs. Our Everett probate attorney is very proficient in associated tasks such as this.

Rucker Avenue related Historical Building in Everett

Although not on Rucker Avenue, the Rucker Mansion is named after the Rucker brothers whom built the Rucker Mansion in 1905. The home is located on Rucker Hill. This is one of the most famous haunted buildings in Everett. The other most famously haunted buildings are located on Wetmore Avenue and Colby Avenue also in Downtown Everett.

Storefront Photographer Everett

Jon Andra Bradshaw (JAB) is a Pacific Northwest photographer that is not entering the market of providing his services for business owner's websites. JAB will be working with owners of local businesses that includes shooting pictures of their store fronts, headshots, business fronts, inside and outside of the establishment. Jon will also be providing us with beautiful artistic shots of the downtown area, historic landmarks, and other northwest scenery for our website. We eagerly anticipate the wonderful work he will be providing for our site.

Jon will also be taking some shots of the mansion whose name is associated with this streets name. He will be getting some beautiful shots taken from downtown Everett facing the west and the east. These shots will be taken from many locations in the downtown area of our site covers, with views of mountains and the Puget Sound in the background. We look forward to the views from Grand Park and other areas as well. on has a distinct style with his photography that is evident in every picture he takes. We are looking forward to what he captures and provides us.