Everett Quitclaim Attorney Custody Rucker Avenue
Quitclaim Everett Attorney near Rucker Avenue
Contact a Lang Law Everett Custody Attorney today. We can have our Quitclaim attorney prepare your Quitclaim and excise tax affidavit for real estate, divorce, or probate related needs. Call our Everett custody attorney or Quitclaim deed lawyer at 425-231-1559.
Rucker Avenue related Historical Building in Everett
Although not on Rucker Avenue, the Rucker Avenue is named after the Rucker brothers whom built the Rucker Mansion in 1905. The home is located on Rucker Hill. This is one of the most famous haunted buildings in Everett. The other most famously haunted buildings are located on Wetmore Avenue and Colby Avenue also in Downtown Everett.